Sunday, July 8, 2012

Garages of St. Louis - An Introduction

First, an apology to those who were hoping for a blog with some good photography. I'm an amateur, and not a particularly good one (however, I am improving.)

Anyway, this blog is dedicated to those old auto body shops that you've probably seen all over St. Louis, many closed, some still open. And you might have seen me somewhere near them, riding around on my bike and stopping to take pictures.

These auto garages so often go unnoticed, forgotten, perhaps turned into something else, and it isn't until you start to look for them that you realize how many there are. And of course, at one point they were important.

Why are there so many? Why have so many closed down? What does it say about our city, and our love of the automobile? I don't pretend to have any answers, but I hope to maybe spark some interest. And perhaps to take a good photo or two.

So welcome aboard. It will be an interesting trip.

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